If you're at least 62 years of age and own your home, you may be eligible for special programs that provide 0% interest-deferred loans for a variety of minor, moderate and emergency home repairs.
Through this program, you may be eligible to receive an interest-free loan of up to $10,000 for a single-family home; up to $15,000 for a two-family home; and up to $20,000 for a three-family home for approved interior and exterior repairs.
Seniors Save is a complete heating system replacement program for eligible senior citizen homeowners in Boston. It helps senior citizens replace aging heating systems before they break down and create an emergency situation for senior homeowners.
Lead poisoning can delay or impair learning and growth in your children or grandchildren. Protect your family and friends. This program offers eligible homeowners, landlords, or tenants financial assistance help with lead-based paint abatement.
Boston’s triple decker campaign, the 3D Program, is committed to preserving and celebrating this quintessentially Boston housing style.